Monday, October 8, 2007

#14 Technorati

Where do these people find the time to blog on endlessly about themselves! Sorry but I think blogging is not for me!

Technorati, I did A search on myself but I am obviously not intersting enough to web crawl. However I did do a search on someone I know who does blog on a daily basis and low and behold there were hundreds of links to her blog. Check out Poppalina!

#13 Delicious!!

Well, I had a look around Delicious and I found my way to a fantastic site full of Web 2.0 thingys. I can see that social bookmarking can be a great tool to find interesting websites for anything you may be interested in. Let's face it most of us just google and look at the first 10 sites. I've already discovered heaps of sites and things I didn't have a clue about!

Monday, October 1, 2007

#12 Rollyo

What a funny name for a nifty little tool. Great to add to the library website with all your ready reference sites - rolled into one. Just got the name!!!!